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Gianluca Codeghini

One crumb lost in road, uninfluential to the ears of all

Gianluca Codeghini (1968) is a visual artist and musician, he triggers concepts and processes whose relationship with and among the public becomes fundamental to the production of short circuits, tensions and provocations. He has played with a lot of different artists: A. Curran, D. V. Tieghem, S. Mateen, E. Intra, Private Pattering Project, M. Mariani, L. Serafin, S. Brizzi, D. Bellini, N. di Caprio, M. Fontana, T. Light, WAST, M. Lombardelli, M. Mercuri, L. Scarabelli, Untitlednoise, E. Grazioli, P. Romano, F. Maglioni, F. Petrolo, R. Lomonaco, Carlo Chiddemi, P. Braione, A. Broggi, A. Inglese, A. Cava, S. Hell…